Thursday, March 26, 2009

So class has ended now. We finally finished out game after long and hard worked hours. I must say this was one of the hardest things I have had to do and without the help of my teammates it would not have been possible. So thanks guys!

Our levels were complete, and I think it is amazing how much our game has varied from our original plans.

It started off as Tetris-like and turned into a version of brick breaker. We had no problem creating the first level but when it came to the others...well we encountered some problems to say the least.

Then we created a hard level but it was WAY to hard to be level #2. So we fiddled with that and ta da there we have it. We were able to make it easier and add new icons to make it look different. MMF2 was a hard program to deal with and use. I found if I didnt keep up with the Tutorials, it could be even harder for me to try and build on my game. A lot of the features we used in our game were concepts learned through the tutorial. Anyways, it was fun and it is over now. I feel quite accomplished!

Good Job TEAM! and so long Sarah!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The end of the term draws closer and closer and I will be honest, our team is nervous. We have been working hard on our game redesigning levels and changing the concepts. In a way, we have started from scratch many times but each new product is better than the last.

We built our level one game and then built another level. The other level we intended to make as level 2 but realized it was way too hard. Instead it is now our level 4. We are currently working on a level 2 with the template of the level 4 game. We are trying to "simplify it" by taking out some of the obstacles and images of course. It has been challenging since everytime we deduct something from the template, it interferes with something else. We are frustrated but we will not give up. An adequate level 2 will exist!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Game Testing

So as my team and I prepare for Usability Test #2 I thought about how much we learned from the first test.

Basically we redesigned our whole game after the test. First of all we realized our instructions were not clear enough. Most of our testers did not realize right away that the game was played using the control keys and not the mouse.

We also realized that the last frame that revealed the answer was not very amusing. We realized that our game was fun because the testers wanted to keep playing the game again and wanted to try the level again if they failed it. As well, we got some positive feedback towards our idea. We also got some constructive feedback that called for major changes.

We are in the process of changing the main frame around so that we can reveal the "answer" as the player catches the sufficient amount of coffee cups (score increases). That is it for now, and I look forward to the feedback from next test this thursday.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

tutorial 12 was the end of me

I found MMF2 to be really hard to use at first.
I am so glad I was able to follow most of the tutorials because I found when it came around to working on mine, it was easier to do it once I had the skills set needed to accomplish it.

The first tutorial I was assigned to do was very hard to do because it required a more advanced version of MMF. Fortunately I was assigned a new one which proved to be much easier to do.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Playing video games by yourself is so 2007

I have a friend that sits at home on his days off and plays Call of Duty 4, NHL 09, Call of duty world of warfare, Halo 3, and Fabel II. What do these games all have in common? You do not need to play by yourself! Apparently 2008 was the year to play games online or side by side in a co-op mode. I asked my friend what he liked most about co-op mode and his exact words were "because I can say what I want to whoever I want with no consequences and I never have to play alone again." It allows him to escape from reality as a pro hockey player and although it involves others, he does not need to treat them as real people. Let me explain. He can play a game with a complete stranger and take his frustrations out on them without ever having to worry about seeing them face to face. As well, having someone else to play with escalates that sense of competition to a whole new level.

Yet in some cases you need to play with someone else because it's simply the game. One example is "Left 4 Dead" for Xbox 360 where you can have up to 4 gamers. In my friend's opinion NHL '09 for Xbox 360, PS2/3 and PC is the best game to play with others. You can have multiple game modes and create online leagues.

Maybe I am the typical girl but so what. My favourite co-op mode games are ROCK BAND. I love playing with anyone, it does not matter who. You can't have a band without others so it is the nature of the game. It serves several purposes; good family game, its very entertaining and commitment and skill are not vital. It's a great game for people of all ages and for someone like me that rarely plays games, it is perfect!

So video games started off with single players-one control and have now evolved to multiple players in different cities/countries/etc. all interacting in one game in real time. Who knows what the future holds!